Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Home workouts are an effective approach and efficient solution for realizing your fitness goals. With the growing issue of obesity in the world, much of the fitness industry now serves as just another way of cashing in on the public's fears and ignorance.

Many so-called “experts” are promoting ineffective products or supplements, which only repudiate the idea of reaching one's goals. The truth is, at its core, working out is very simple and straightforward and it serves as a tremendous method for self-improvement.

Despite popular belief, a large investment of time and money is not required to develop an incredible physique. Within the comfort of your own home, you can be on your way to creating a leaner, more defined body in only a few hours a week.

It is important to first develop the proper fitness philosophy in your mind before you can realize your goals for your body. At Dream Body Workouts we believe physical fitness is really a simple concept, which has been overly complicated in our society.

At Dream Body Workouts we strive to follow an efficient exercise plan that focuses on muscle confusion and workouts designed to build lean muscle and burn fat simultaneously. You've probably witnessed the people at the gym or around your neighborhood that spend hours running outside, straining on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical. Maybe you’ve also noticed that much of the time, their efforts don’t seem to show any noticeable improvement? Doing nothing but cardio is the biggest misconception out there in improving how you look and shedding unwanted weight.

Now while true that you might lose some weight you really will only achieve a "thinner" look. Reason being, running does not build any lean muscle, and lean muscle is what you need for a healthy, strong, sexy looking body.

Our Dream Body fitness routines will progressively challenge your body so you can get the optimal results. Plus we keep your busy schedule in mind, too. In what it takes you to warm up and actually get to an effective state with traditional cardio programs, you'll already be done with a fat shedding, muscle building workout with our program!

There is a reason why circuit based, interval focused workouts are all the rage. Proper and effective systems and routines are based on another very key component. Your body is a "smart machine"and it will get use to the same old workout and your gains will stop. It is important to switch up your routines every month so that your muscles never get use to the movements in the workout. Here at Dream Body Workouts we have technically crafted, precision designed workouts that will get your cardio and muscle work simultaneously… all packed into 20 minute routines! So, fit “getting fit” into your schedule!

We have workouts that range body part specific to the total body regiment that is sure to achieve those elusive results you really want. The key is to go at your own pace and either do one workout daily or combine 2-3 based on your fitness level and goals.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Join Our Dream Bod Squad

​What is the going rate for a fitness instructor or a personal trainer these days? $60 a session, $25 an hour...pricey to say the least and for what?! In many cases, the old adage of "do what I say and not as I do" seems to be part of the bargain. Many trainers on the market don't practice some of the things that they so adamantly preach. Well, we at Dream Body Workouts think hiring one of "those" trainers is kind of like buying an expensive steak on the recommendation of a vegetarian!

It's about time for a wake up call to the industry! To our Dream Body Instructors, being fit and fabulous is a lifestyle, passionate pursuit, a mission to share with others! You are who you surround yourself with and so if you want to be the best, isn't it time that you learn from the best?

​Join the "Dream Bod Squad" exclusive member area for special features, exclusive videos, and a full spectrum of tools to help your dream body to become a reality!

The best part... the only thing we'll work over is your body, not your wallet! For the low cost of just $19.99 (less than an hour or 1/3 of a session with the "other guys"), with a Dream Bod Squad video series, you'll have instant access to:

eFitness Booklet “Guide to a Dream Body” (instant downloadable link)
6 Dream Body Workout Video Series
Dream Body Nutrition Guide​
Healthy Recipes
Monthly Incentive Prizes and Giveaways
Community Support Forum
Dream Bod Squad/Shared Success Stories
... and much more!

Need another reason? For just one payment of $19.99, less than what most people pay for ONE month of gym membership, we'll bring the workouts to you! No long term contracts! No more having 10 people huddled around waiting for their turn on the same piece of sweaty equipment. No more gas wasted to and from the gym! No more wasted time in taking 90 minutes of your day to get a mediocre workout. We'll give you a more beneficial Dream Body Workout in just 20 minutes! Plus we'll continually be adding additional series of 6 new videos! Get started with one of our two packages below:

Instant Online Access
eFitness Booklet “Guide to a Dream Body” (instant downloadable link)
6 Dream Body Workout Video Series
Dream Body Nutrition Guide
Healthy Recipes
Entry into Monthly Incentive Prizes and Giveaways
Community Support Forum
Dream Bod Squad/Shared Success Stories
... and much more!

For just $5.00 more, you'll get everything included in our "GET CONNECTED" Package plus we'll mail you a hard copy of the workout series on DVD.

“Commit to be Fit” and join our Dream Bod Squad today! What are you waiting for?! Purchase now and get started today!

Dream Body Workouts... A Dream Body for Everybody!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

13 Nutritional Guidelines

13 Nutritional Guidelines to help you gain that dream body:

1. Always use 100% whole wheat when using bread, crackers, pasta and tortillas. Make sure to read the label. 100% whole wheat doesn’t mean anything if the ingredients also has enriched flour. Never buy anything with enriched flour(all the nutrients are gone). Kashi is a great brand to use for crackers and granola bars. If you are committed, you can always find 100% whole wheat in pasta, bread, tortillas and crackers. Learning to read the ingredients is a vital part of good nutrition.

2. Water, water, water. Soda is the root of all evil in our society. The most important change to your diet is to eliminate soda and drink lots of water. 1% milk is also great for many reasons, most importantly it is a great snack as well as a calcium, protein source.

3. Always use 100% pure olive oil when cooking.

4. Protein is extremely important, muscle burns fat and protein builds muscle! You need 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight just to maintain your current lean muscle. You need 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight to gain muscle weight. So if you’re looking to maintain, remain consistent with 1 gram and if you’re looking to gain weight then 1.5 grams is the route to go.

5. Try to avoid eating after 8pm. After eight puts on the wrong kind of weight!

6. Desserts are okay in moderation.

7. Eliminate all fried foods.

8. Try to limit your intake of processed foods.

9. Eat as much organic food as possible. That means fruits, vegetables, and whole grains should be a staple of your dietary intake.

10. Chicken is your friend and you can eat it prepared anyway you like... except fried!

11. Really start to read labels, the fewer ingredients the better. Never buy anything with enriched flour. Lara bars are a great example of a great snack with the most basic ingredients you can find. If you have never heard of an ingredient listed on a label then you probably shouldn’t eat it.
12. Try to avoid cream based soups, sauces and dressings.

13. Just remember to always allow yourself a "day off" where you can eat whatever you want and enjoy it.

You can do it!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Dream Body Workouts

Our Dream Body Workouts will consist of carefully designed, precision regimented routines proven to get maximum results. The workouts will be a hybrid blend of “high intensity” interval training, circuit fitness, and targeted body exercises. These workouts will help build and tone muscles and burn fat due to constant, calculated movements, quick short burst of energy and getting your heart rate up and into the “fat burning zone.”

The workouts in our members area have been carefully formulated into “tricking” the body to ensure better and faster results! This way you won’t just plateau and stay the same, leveling off never really making that dream body a reality. Progress is a process and so remember don’t be afraid of building muscle. Muscle is what gives us shape, definition and helps fight gravity, as we get older. Lean muscle mass also burns fat even while sitting on the couch, even watching T.V. and eating Bonbons! ​
Remember it really is just that simple! Challenge yourself and rotate the newly released routine every month and you will see results! It’s been said before and we’ll remind you again… NO pain, NO gain! Give us 90 days and we’ll give you your dream body!​